LIONLINK – October 2023

The launch of LIONLINK ( an interconnector between coastal Suffolk and Holland) has revealed major infrastructure, tourist and community implications for Southwold, Reydon, Walberswick and surrounding areas. Southwold Town Council, at their last Council meeting unequivocally agreed to support the aims and objectives of Reydon Against Invasive Destruction (RAID) and councillors will be attending the public meeting on 27th October at 7.30pm at the Reydon Village Hall. The aims and arguments of this community group are well laid out on their website

ESC Ward Councillor Beavan was instrumental at the last ESC meeting for passing a motion calling for an offshore grid that would negate the need for these cable routes to destroy our countryside and AONB.

Southwold Town councillors are attending meetings organised by ESC, Lionlink, SEAS (Suffolk Energy Action Solutions), and other affected towns and parishes, to support objections to the Lionlink project. The Council  has also sent a letter to the Secretary of State.

It is critical that all members of the community have their say on this very important project. Any members of the public who would like to be involved please contact the Town Clerk on

There are Lionlink webinars on 17/18th October which members of the public can attend – registration is via the LionLink website

Potential cable routes include the boating lakes, the millennium car park, the allotments and the marshes which STC rents to a local farmer.

The consultation about the proposals is running to 3rd November 2023. All comments should be sent to

LionLink Multi-Purpose Interconnector

Freepost NGV LionLink

E mail; .

We suggest that copies are also sent to The Secretary of State for the Department of Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy (DESNZ), The Rt HON Claire Coutinho, and the MP Therese Coffey –