Southwold Town Council Logo
The Town Hall, Market Place, Southwold, IP18 6EF
Telephone: 01502 722576


The Southwold Neighbourhood Plan was prepared by Southwold Town Council following extensive consultation with the local community and sets out its vision for development to 2036.
The examination of the Southwold Neighbourhood Plan was completed by the Independent Examiner, Andrew Ashcroft. For your information, details of the Southwold Neighbourhood Plan referendum are now available online by CLICKING HERE

This page is dedicated to the Southwold Neighbourhood Plan.
All documents related to the plan will be available to download from here

What is a Neighbourhood Plan?
It is a guide to development in the town and will be required be used by anyone considering, or making, a planning application

What does it do?
The Plan sets out policies that will have legal force when a planning application is submitted. Some of the Policies apply to the whole of Southwold and some apply to specific parts of the town. The Neighbourhood Plan should be read in conjunction with the Waveney Local Plan.

How long will it last?
Once approved, the Plan will apply for 20 years. This is why it is important that we set the right Policies, as they will affect development in the town until 2038. The Plan can be reviewed before then, if necessary.

Why are you being asked for comments on the Plan?
The Policies have been drawn up using the responses to the questionnaire that was distributed in 2016, and to which 39% of residents responded, and consultation with local people and businesses. We now want your thoughts on the Plan so that these can be taken into account before the final version of the Plan is voted on in a local referendum next year.


Southwold Town Council ,
The Town Hall, Market Place, Southwold, IP18 6EF
Telephone: 01502 722576

10am – 12 noon Monday – Friday (other times by appointment)

Southwold Neighbourhood Planning Referendum

Referendum on the Neighbourhood Plan for Southwold. A referendum will be held on Thursday 3 February 2022 to decide on the following question: Do you want East Suffolk Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan [...]

Southwold Neighbourhood Plan

The Southwold Neighbourhood Plan was prepared by Southwold Town Council following extensive consultation with the local community and sets out its vision for development to 2036. The examination of the Southwold Neighbourhood Plan was completed by [...]

Southwold Neighbourhood Plan Referendum version - November 2021

Southwold NP Consultation Statement

Southwold Town Council Privacy Policy

Southwold Town Council Privacy Policy

TitleDescriptionDate addedDownload
Declaration of Result - Southwold NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN REFERENDUM 04-02-2022 DownloadPreview
Southwold NP Consultation Statement 21-01-2022 DownloadPreview
Southwold Neighbourhood Plan Referendum version - November 2021 21-01-2022 DownloadPreview
Southwold Neighbourhood Development Plan - Examination arrangements 19-08-2021 DownloadPreview
Southwold Neighbourhood Plan Consultation 28th May - 9th July 2021 01-06-2021 DownloadPreview
Southwold-Neighbourhood-Plan-Consultation-Draft-Appendices 28-01-2021 DownloadPreview
Southwold-Neighbourhood-Plan-Consultation-Draft 28-01-2021 DownloadPreview
Neighbourhood-Plan-Final-Summary 28-01-2021 DownloadPreview
Southwold-Character-Area-Appraisals 28-01-2021 Download
Neighbourhood-Plan-Notes-March-2019 28-01-2021 DownloadPreview
terms-of-reference-of-committee-2019 28-01-2021 Download
neighbourhood-plan-notes-february-2019 28-01-2021 DownloadPreview
Southwold-Neighbourhood-Plan-Draft-2019-2038 28-01-2021 DownloadPreview
Front-of-Town-design-framework-study-Dec-2015 28-01-2021 DownloadPreview
Southwold-Character-Area-Appraisals-Oct-2018.pdf 28-01-2021 Download
Regulation-14-Plan-Stage 28-01-2021 DownloadPreview
Consultation-1st-November-2019-Formal-Regulation-14-notice 28-01-2021 DownloadPreview
Neighbourhood-Plan-Reg-14-Section-4-Housing-Consultation-October-2020-Extract 28-01-2021 DownloadPreview
Achieving-Viability-Southwold-NP 28-01-2021 DownloadPreview
Regulation-14-Consultation-response-form-and-consent 28-01-2021 DownloadPreview
Neighbourhood-Plan-notes-12th-October-2020 28-01-2021 DownloadPreview
Neighbourhood-Plan-Minutes-12th-October-2020 28-01-2021 DownloadPreview
Southwold Neighbourhood Plan - Regulation 14 Consultation Download the Southwold Neighbourhood Plan Reg 14 Consultation documents here. Please respond with comments to the Town Hall, Market Place, Southwold by Sunday 31st January 202128-01-2021 DownloadPreview

The Southwold Town Councillors are local, receive no payment and are not to be confused with District (East Suffolk) or County (Suffolk) councillors who have political affiliation. All Councillors are required to comply with the Code Of Conduct and register their interests. Details can be found on the East Suffolk Register of Interests which can be accessed by CLICKING HERE. Councillors can be contacted through the Town Council Office on 01502 722576 or by emailing


Are you passionate about our community? Southwold Town Council has a vacancy for a Town Councillor, (to be filled by co-option).

How to Apply: If you wish to serve as a Councillor, please write to us with your details, background, and reasons for wanting to join the Town Council by 30th July 2024.

• Must be a British subject, over 18 years old, and an elector.
• Must reside within Southwold, within 3 miles of it, or occupy/own/tenant land or premises therein.
• Alternatively, must have your principal or only place of work in Southwold.
• Must not be disqualified from holding office as a Councillor.

Contact Information: If you have any queries please contact Lesley the Town Clerk on 01502 722576. Applications to be emailed to